Luca's adventures in Sarawak

Ello! This is the ramblings of Luca Grossi (me), while on student exchange in Sarawak Malaysia. Feel free to check it out!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hey Everyone , There goes my idea to try and post every second day ,but seriously been off my feet during the pass few days that I’ve barely had a chance to shower. For my final year project we had to hand up two documents and only until Monday did we have the information to start on it also had to fit in Sam birthday party :). I’m just in the lab at the moment waiting to do my presentation and hand in our two documents but apparently this requires two hours to do ( hence me writing this). Anyways on Monday we had Sam’s birthday and celebrated by going to Eddy’s house, awesome time and my first time in a Malaysia house. Also went to get my laptop with Dan, fregging happy as with it ,, I wasn’t planning to get such a beast and with Dan being a gamer I just kept upping the specs but I really haven’t looked back! Also at the hostel my air-condition manage to spring a leak , cautioning my bedroom to look like a swamp but I’ve totally neglected until I handed in this work so tonight I’ll go something about it. Also had to put up with a guy stealing our stuff from the fridge in the shared kitchen , Dan wrote a massive fu*k off note so hopefully that’s sorted that out , I was a victim of getting 4 apples stolen ,, like the person stole a few redbulls and chocolate and seriously why apples.

At Eddy's house ,, starting from left
Naomi, Eddy, Dan and Me
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posted by Luca @ 2:20 pm   3 comments


At 8:27 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yo Luca!

Sounds like you're having some nice new experiences over there! Must be strange having alcohol banned - though I'm glad to see your aquiring bootleg booze!

I'm off to Bangladesh in 4 weeks with my new job. Should be quite an experience me thinks!

Keep cool.


At 5:28 am, Blogger Luca said...

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At 3:55 pm, Blogger Luca said...

awesome news graham, it will be an experience. Met a few Bangladeshi's living at the hostel ,, their fanatics with cricket,, especially with the world cricket on


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