Luca's adventures in Sarawak

Ello! This is the ramblings of Luca Grossi (me), while on student exchange in Sarawak Malaysia. Feel free to check it out!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Almost a month later, so hard in remembering what has happened during that time. Well one major event was going to Thailand for the semester break we had last weekend. A group of three of us went to Phuket for four days. Before catching our 11:55am flight out of kuching, we manage to have a quick stop off from the taxi trip to the airport to grab some lunch. We went to kuching to Kuala Lumpur and then to Phuket. We stayed for the four days at the main beach in Phuket called Patang.
Highlights of Phuket were
- Going bungee jumping off a 60 meter Crain overlooking the town. Seriously scary jumping off the ledge. I could feel my whole body tense up on the way down and after splashing into the water and then bouncing back and feeling relieved, ah words can’t describe it.
- Nightlife span me out, we brought a few bottles of absolute duty free , so we would have a few drinks before leaving the hotel . You’d walk around seeing old man together with young thai girls, girls trying to get your attention and dragging you into their bars. Make for an interesting experience :) ( Plenty of shemen hanging around )
- I ended up separating with the guys, only to jump on this guy’s motorcycle to drive me around town. After not remembering where the hotel was and directing the guy to the other side of town did I decide to get off. I remember the guy saying tip tip , I told him I had no money then remember him and his mate asking where I lived and following me around for a short time ,.
- Jet skiing (750) wasn’t too bad , they were for just cruzin around, where we were trying to do the absolute opposite.
- Getting food poisoning, seriously I still haven’t managed to fully recover after a week. On the second last day (half way through) we ended up feeling sick. The toilet was being used 24/7 by all three of us, I felt embarrassed when the clearing lady entered the room after not touching the room for 4 days. Anyways these things happen. (funny times )
Unfortunately have absolutely no pictures what so ever of the place, I guess the idea was so that there wasn’t any discriminating photo’s to bring back :P

Over the last couple of days we had rented a car, I drove to damai beach. Same road rules as back home only the rules are heaps more flexible. At one instance I had a motorcycle , me wedge in the middle and another car in the other line ( it all works). Two nights ago while Dan was driving , everyone else were drinking while just cruzining around kuchy just to kill time.

Just finished applying for graduate positions at DSD ( Australia Defence), the application form as a killer and only realised it was due in today ( something I should have spent a week on) at midnight and looking at other companies. I’ve just starting to think about what I’ll be doing next year , if everything works out over here that is, it’s exciting to know that I’ll be graduating at the end of the year ,, I guess it hasn’t really hit me. Other than that everything is going really well, no complaints, got this tueday and Wednesday off at uni so should make for an easy week!

posted by Luca @ 2:48 am   9 comments


At 1:45 pm, Blogger Phil said...

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At 1:46 pm, Blogger Phil said...

hey Luca,
sounds like an awesome break :)

If you're looking for jobs, maybe have a crack at Ericsson.. Especially if you want to travel!!.. [link]

- Phil

At 6:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Ana here. We should catch up. I just noticed your blog on Graham's website.

At 5:22 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Eyy Luca!
Long time no hear! What r u up to dude?

At 6:42 pm, Blogger Luca said...

Dam graham & Ana :) ,, hope you can make sense of my posts :) Yeah nothing much, just the same ol' rigmarole but enjoying myself so no complaints :)

Read both phil's and graham's blogs ,interesting stuff guys. How about you Ana, haven't heard much from you ( busy beavering away i'm sure)! - have you checked out mooseheads , if you meet a person called tim or "swordsey" ran for the hills :)

At 2:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Luigi,

This is Mark. Sounds like Phuket hasn't changed a bit! I'm heading over to vietnam, Cambobia and Thailand in June. Can't wait.

Sounds like you are enjoying things. Live it up.

Swordsy has been in the States for 5 weeks getting drunk etc. also head he went to Peru... to get drunk.

So Mooseheads is safe... for now.


At 3:46 pm, Blogger Luca said...

that's the swordsy I know :)

Yeah I remember when you booked for your cheap as tickets, good times ahead :)

Might be around for the Aisa Cup?

At 11:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ana here. Lol, Mooseheads. I've walked past it a few times but I've been warned not to go in. Civic is full of hooligans at night.

At 8:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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