Luca's adventures in Sarawak

Ello! This is the ramblings of Luca Grossi (me), while on student exchange in Sarawak Malaysia. Feel free to check it out!

Friday, July 20, 2007

What’s happening? Sam left today, which makes the last of first semester’s gang. I won’t lie that I felt really sad NOT good riddance :) ( not good in saying goodbye’s) . Of course I’ll see everybody again, but it’s more that those times are over. yeah? But change is good and life continues. Anyways, had a massive week with the rainforest festival on during the weekend. Plenty of drinking and dancing happening. On Friday night Sam and I began the festivities by spiking our coke on the bus ride. Decided to catch a bus from the city out to the venue at Damai. Got inside and headed straight for the main stage. Awesome setting with the stage surrounded by lit up forest trees. Meet a whole bunch of random’s which most probably were from uni but there were so many of them. Probably also they had a bit to drink and had seen Sam and I around uni, they weren’t shy to come and say hello (and yes I did get a few people asking where Dan lol) Dam you Dan if your reading, you still keep hunting me. We thought the best way to stay would be to sleep on the beach. After hanging around the beach party, we were more than happy to crash on beach chairs alone side the beach. After having a few drinks that night, I had a bit of a dry throat. Apparently while Sam was having a baffa breakfast, he saw tourist taking photo’s of me. Because of my raggedy clothes, due to my shocking washing clothes technique. The fly zip comes down by itself and having warn red jogs, it sort of stood out. Anyways after learning our lesson the first night we decided not to do it again. Both Saturday and Sunday were the busiest with crowds around 8 thousand which was massive for the place. Awesome experience, great music and atmosphere. The crowd was great, mixture of different people from all around the world.

What else, umm court up with the other Aussie’s over here. There only here during the semester break. There doing one multimedia subject in 4 weeks, similar to summer semester. Diverse group of people but all nice :) We went out for ladies night. There are 7 aussie girls over here, so you can imagine the impression they have on locals that aren’t use to seeing so many. Also being a Wednesday night ( ladies night) the girls were getting free drinks and dishing them off to us guys. Also met up with a bunch of English students at the same nightclub. ( felt weird being in a room of non Asia girls) but hah when aren't I.

Guess nothing else has been happening. I need a kick up the bum and get cracking on my final year project. Hopefully it all works out, I want to head off to London at the end of the year. I guess now is the best opportunity to get my programming skills up to scratch hehe yeah sure. Also the fact that at the moment, things don’t look promising in organize some alternative to complete one engineering subject that isn’t available here. I’ve been told I will have to wait until second semester next year. I’m really concerned and worried about it but things happening for a reason I guess. I’ll just try and do the best I can, enjoy my time here and see what happens. I’m enjoying kuches and in the big scheme of things, much worse things could go wrong.

Today I have a weird experience after Sam left. I felt like talking to someone, so what do I do, went to see my coordinator. Started talking about strange stuff, mostly philosophical and I was pretty spaced out ( probably thought I was on drugs) . He practically said I looked worned out and my focus drops in and out mainly ( lol no shit). Personally I know what he means tho; I know really how much I’m putting in and really what I should. But he doesn’t fully understand my situation and my expectation of what I want to get out of the year. Whatever ,, probably made me feel worse by the end of it .. hah .Also I get my results later on today.. again I’m nervous ( which is always the case anwyas) I think I did pretty well except for one subject .. I didn’t do enough practical during the semester and got majorly stuck with the exam. So that’s it.. I’m doing well, might go gaiving (diving) on Sunday. The others are off to panang for the weekend.

posted by Luca @ 5:04 am   4 comments

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Change of plans, so for anyone that thought I was at some extravagant island it wasn’t the case. Anyways I decided to stay back because I had to finish off a few things back at uni. Been a weird week finishing exams with only me and Sam around. After living with a group of people and seeing them every day during the past 6 months to then suddenly go, they were really good times. Other than that things seem to be rapping up. Uni is over for another semester, so I now have a month off. I want some traveling to happen, plans to maybe go and watch the soccer in Bangkok, drop pass the parhentian island, or go up to Sabah not really sure.
Had an interesting experience with a person just opening my door while I was sleeping last night. Because I was up late that night study, I was completely dazed out and really couldn’t say much when they came in. All I could hear was that they were confiscating something, only to find later on that the shesha was missing. Anyways later in the day we had to have a meeting with administration “regarding the incident”. I still don’t fully understand but apparently were not allowed to have it because it could be used with drugs, which isn’t the case and that people might get the wrong impression. Two hours later we ended up talking about how to be careful when going out during the night. Also apparently how we were a bad batch of Australian students which caused them a lot of problems. Personally I think the whole thing has been to bit of miss communication and that things have been exaggerated and blown out of proportion. All we were pretty adventurous which sometimes became noticeable but we didn't imposed and effected other people. Once thing that sucked, apparently I was nominated for a sponsorship and apparently now with this shesha business it might be revoked which is a shame.

Anyways I’m happy to stay here for another semester. I’m still not sure what I will be doing next year which makes me feel alittle unsettled. I guess all these years I knew pretty much exactly what would be happening the following year. Also the fact of not knowing if I will be able to complete my degree over here makes me have to consider to completely different scenario’s which might occur. Its nothing serious and really just sits in the back of my mind but the main thing is that I’m enjoying myself and do find the experience great. So really I’ve got nothing to complain about :)

posted by Luca @ 4:15 pm   0 comments